lørdag den 18. september 2010

Kard Krazy´s tirsdagstag.

Jeg kan godt se, at det går lidt op i tag for tiden, men vanen tro skal der laves et bidrag til Louise, Kard Krazy´s uge udfordring. Denne uge er temaet skole.

HA Stempler: "Row of Houses", "Four apples" og "Sew Stylish".
Prima: Mursten.

Rigtig god weekend.

12 kommentarer:

  1. FLOT. Jeg elsker dine tags, så bliv endelig ved!
    God weekend.

  2. wow kanon lækker tag. God weekend

  3. This is wonderful! I love that image and have used it in the past. I just didn't even think about having it. Your tag is gorgeous.

  4. Rigtig fint, og der kan da ikke være nogen som rammer emnet meget bedre! Det er altså super-godt sat sammen!

  5. Love your school tag, its awesome!

  6. Härlig tag! Kul att du satte pojken på bokstaven o...

  7. This is brilliant! Love the mom holding the clock:)

  8. oh my! How Beautiful! I love it, the young boy sitting on the O is really fun! Great Work! *Ü*

  9. Great tag! Love the teacher holding the clock, makes me think the boy was late for class :)

  10. Oh gosh, what a cool tag. This is gorgeous!

  11. Beautiful tag - I love the teacher with the clock - saying, it's time for school! :)


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